Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Three more walls

Hi there! The mudroom is in the process of being enclosed. We have three exterior walls to do on the first floor and then we are done with all the exterior walls for floor one. Next up are to frame up the first floor interior walls which should be an easier process as there aren't any windows to frame, just some doors. Then we are on to laying the joists. Hopefully we can be doing this by the end of the week. We expect (barring catastrophe!) to finish the three exterior walls today, spend a couple of days on the interior walls and then be on with things. The hardest thing about yesterday's work was trying to work around the opening to the cellar below - the stairs aren't in yet. We are thinking of having Roy, the GC, come and lend us some of his experience in carpentry and show us how to do the stairs. It's complicated and a place where watching and learning is probably a much better option than reading and learning - although technically, that's probably always a better way to learn. We're really happy with the way things are coming along. It's a fascinating process, from conception to actual execution. There are a lot of steps in between. So far so good. It's beginning to really feel like a house, and this floor has been a lot of fun in that we've been able to picture clearly in our minds what all the rooms are! We've still got a LONG way to go though. The weather is to be marvelous this week, and we are incredibly thankful for that. The storms have been passing us by and it's to cool down to the lower 70's - our New England Correspondent Extraordinaire, Marillyn, advises us that we have about two months to go before snow fly. I think we'll get a move on up there right now. Ciao!
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