Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Beam us up Scotty

These beams we had to cut to the right size and stand on their plates (wood shouldn't be touching the cement floor unless it's treated or raised from the surface by a plate of impermeable material as water/moisture can wick directly from cement up into wood). That's not an event we particularly wish to experience in life, since these four beams are to carry a lot of weight. The beams had to be centered properly on a continuous footing that runs beneath the cement and allows the beams a sturdy place to let all the weight of the house disperse properly. Measuring the floor to properly place the beams was both the most critical and the most time consuming project of the day. But we are firmly of the mindset that very very careful measuring will make for a much better end product. My days of randomly hemming pants are over! :-) And Shawn has never had that bad habit! Though his favorite pants have been the unfortunate victim of this particular habit. Regardless of past indiscretions, today's work was properly executed, and the beams came out perfectly. Thanks for that patient measuring, measuring and remeasuring, Shawn. You have been my hero with that measuring tape. :-)
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