Monday, July 13, 2009

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse.

Last year in the summertime we took a little "mini-cruise" out to some nearby islands to see puffin colonies, which have been brought back from the brink of extinction in the area (due to excessive hunting in the late 1800's) very successfully by a lot of hardworking men and women. On the way home, we passed by the Pemaquid Light, and we both wanted to see it. So on one of the first sunny days of the summer, a bit over a week ago, we took a picnic lunch and soaked up some much needed sun rays on the weathered rocks at this lovely, albeit very very crowded, spot.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Pemaquid Point. I've painted it several times over the years. Wondering about the "very, very crowded" comment. I've been down there when many tourists were visiting. It just has never seemed "crowded" to me, even though many were there...

Perhaps because of all the lousy weather we've had this year, the sun brought out more people than usual...? Great place, either way.