Monday, September 3, 2007

I can't remember the last posting I made, but we have finished the exterior walls of the house. The interior feels like a good size, the basement makes the house feel humongous. Holy cow!! The second floor is on the way, and should be a nice one to do, as there isn't a mudroom attached. We also finished up the interior walls for the first floor, and put all the top plates on, inside and out. The top plates are really interesting in that they really do firm up the walls a great deal. We're looking pretty square, all the way around, which is a great relief and a testament to shawn's good measuring. :-) We're out about a quarter inch in one corner, but we seem to be able to keep it under control and are doing our best. :-)

What else? I'll upload some more pictures next. We are currently laying the joists for the second floor and will be glad to be done with 2x12x16 foot lumber, which is hard to run around with. It does leave strikingly colored bruises all over the place, so you can trace it's resting spots on your thigh muscles later on. :-)

We're off to do some work, thanks for reading.
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