Wednesday, April 4, 2007

So Far To Go From Fargo, ND...

This was the lovely driving scene greeting us as we left our little hotel room in Fargo, ND. Fargo got 6 inches, and the winds were still over 25 mph when we pulled out in the morning. It was about 16, but wind chill made it much colder. That wind chill really does its work.

The first 65 miles on the I-94 E were literally horrible! Big areas of packed snow, thick ice, black ice, white ice, gray ice, more packed snow, and then occasional stretches of wet road stretched out for 40 feet or so, like 3 second oases in the ice desert. The winds were blowing snow about making visibility pretty much non existent for brief, but harrowing times. Then, 65 miles into the trip (we were travelling at 35 mph with jackknifed tractor trailers all around us), the roads cleared, the snow stopped blowing, and the roads gradually lost all traces of ice and became blessedly clear and simply wet. I can't tell you what a treat this was! Shawn drove beautifully, but it was truly an experience we don't need to do again any time soon! The long drive the day before getting snowed in was probably the thing that really logistically saved us, as the roads may have been icy coming into MN, but they were flat, flat flat.

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