Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Well, it's true that drywalling is not every couple's dream come true. Dreaming and drywalling don't tend to cross paths. But we've hung all the drywall in the house now, except for in the basement. Now we have started mudding the walls. This process we were dreading, but we talked to the folks at the hardware store (and we've been talking to everyone else we can about it, too) and came up with a good solution to the drywall dust related to sanding. It's a vacuum attachment that Roy originally told us about. You hook it up to the dryvac and it's as easy as that. The vacuum attachment is fitted with sandpaper at the end, and as you sand, about 95 percent or more of the dust goes right up the hose! It's awesome! We were planning to leave the mudding and sanding till spring, and maybe hire someone to do it, but this is working out. It's going to take some time. But shawn's working on the bathroom mudding now, and we just have one last touch up coat to put on, along with some last cosmetic sanding to do. Corners are not bad, with a special corner product shawn found. It's going well! The ceilings won't be an issue at all as we are doing a pine panelling on the ceiling called v-match. We bought enough for the bathroom, and it's been conditioning inside for over a week. Hopefully, next week we'll install it. It should look gorgeous!

I'll add a couple of last pics of the drywalling process in the bathroom (which should bore you to tears, no matter HOW faithful a reader you've been) and then sign off for the night. Dore, you can see that the loom has made it safely! Ann would be glad to know! Please overlook the fact that nothing's warped on right now. I plead too much to do, for now!
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1 comment:

Ethan@OneProjectCloser said...

I think sanding drywall is one of my least favorite things about home improvement. Have you ever tried "wet sanding"? Also, did you use an electric screw gun or a regular drill? I wrote a post about the benefits of a screw gun. I'm curious what your experience has been.

One Project Closer