Saturday, July 14, 2007

Back to Normal, Jamie and Shawn are Working in Their Yard Again!

Hi there everyone! Sorry for the extensive delay in blogging. At the end of a day's work, we are excited and jazzed up with energy from spending a few hours clearing, but after the close to one hour drive home, we are ready to eat and that's it! So, I thought I would write before we go up to work today and see if that proves a solution.

It will be very hard to see from this picture all that we've been doing this past week and a half. We've been up to the land most everyday, and try to put in two and a half to three hours of cutting and brush hauling - which is enough. It's a good limit, as the body gets tired pretty quickly from this kind of work. It has been FABULOUS to be working on real ground again! It would be impossible to explain how good a feeling it is, and how good it feels to sink into slumber fully and truly exhausted from an afternoon of hard work - I think it's safe to say we are in heaven! Now if we can get the site work done... :-)

So, to decode the picture (we're sure it will be MUCH easier to see the work we've done come winter when there's not a green leaf in site!)...the field is about a half acre in size (roughly the size of our old land in toto). Our building site is going to be to the right of the two large trees you see in the center of the photo (it looks like one, but it's actually two big old apple trees waiting for winter renovation and a big maple behind it - so really, it's three trees!). I say to the right, but I mean to the right and then about 75 feet back. That area was completely treed (aside from the field, the land is covered in trees, mostly very young - the tallest are only about 50 feet tall where we are clearing, and the tallest ever greens and white birch and alder we are leaving alone as they are in safe spots on the land, are probably 100 feet tall, maximum). So we have cut the trees down and limbed them, separating firewood from winter time burn material. We have got some VERY TALL brush piles going, and a delightful pile of firewood going - lots of maple and cherry. To the left of the trees in the middle of the photo, and indeed along the left hand side of the field, is where the driveway and turnaround are going to be - hopefully in the very near future! The right hand corner of the field will have the septic drainage field in it. We were originally going to put that field in the woods slightly further to the right of what you can see in the photo, but we're seeing the folly and madness of that now and are going to change that.

Weather has been really lovely. It's been in the mid to upper 70's, with more sunny days than cloudy...the cloudy days are much nicer for working in, though, as it's hot work in the clearing. Sometimes, clouds will cover over the sun for a bit while we are working, and that is a lovely sensation! There've been good breezes, but not so high that we aren't able to fall trees. That's also appreciated. The trees have fallen, 85 percent of the time, where Shawn's intended them to go, and the few weird falls have been only slightly off. This is great! More shortly.

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